The Ottawa Booth Centre Addiction Services reduce barriers for people seeking addiction treatment. We welcome you to apply if you are:
· On opiate replacement therapies (methadone and suboxone)
· Living in the community at large or within the shelter system
· Living in the community and are involved in the justice system, either are or will be facing criminal charges
· Incarcerated and seeking treatment for addictions
Read about our Anchorage residential program in our Anchorage Brochure. Located in a shelter setting on George Street in Ottawa’s downtown core.
For more about our medication policies at Anchorage click here.
Anchorage Residential Treatment Program
The Anchorage Program offers rehabilitation to men recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. Our goal is to assist you in achieving an addiction-free lifestyle.
The Anchorage program is abstinence-based. It involves group therapy sessions daily. The program is designed to help you identify and work through core issues related to your drug or alcohol use.
The Program supports you in developing individual recovery goals. When you complete the Anchorage program you may pursue either independent or transitional housing.
Anchorage located next door to OBC Shelter
Alternatively, you may prefer to return to the workforce and/or pursue educational goals. Anchorage is located at 175 George Street, right next to the Ottawa Booth Centre shelter building. It contains 24 beds and provides you with access to:
When you first arrive at Anchorage, you will share space with other residents in a dorm room. Towards the end of treatment, residents may work towards having their own individual rooms.
See our Anchorage Brochure for more information about the program.
Anchorage - 175 George Street
How to Apply
Note: All applications with current, past or pending legal documentations (i.e charge sheets. Criminal record and synopsis) must have these records submitted for the application to be considered. Any applications without the legal background documents will not be considered a completed application. Once all documentation has been received then the application will be reviewed.
Please note: We welcome applications from all forms of referral sources including:
– hospitals
– withdrawal management centres
– shelters
– in-patient programs or
– out-patient community agencies
Incarcerated men are also welcome to apply. If so, you may apply personally or with the help of a family member or legal representative(s).
Note that we consider for acceptance all persons, regardless of culture, ethnicity, race and support persons who are searching for support to deal with issues of addiction.
All applications that have not responded to requests for further documentation and provided the required documentation will be discontinued.
Need more information?
Our staff are available from Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM to answer your questions about the program or the application process.
Supervisor: Susan Allaire 613-241-1573, ext 407 Fax: 613-562-8117 |
Manager: Donald Osborne 613-241-1573, ext 306 Fax: 613-562-8117 |
Toll Free Number: 1-866-446-3030 (ext 306)
*Note that as of January 1, 2019, no electronic devices will be permitted in our programs.